- DO NOT come to church if you have any COVID-19 symptoms including: • high temperature • cough • breathing difficulty • sudden loss of sense of smell or taste • flu-like symptoms.
- Maintain social distancing at all times (stay at least 2m apart from other people).
- Maintain good hand hygiene.
- Please arrive at Church in good time and use the sanitiser provided at the entrance.
- On arrival please wait until you are called forward by a Churchwarden to enter the building and you will be directed to your seat. Please follow the directions of the Churchwardens filling the pews as directed. Some pews will be closed off in order to observe the social distancing rules. Members of the same household can share the same pew.
- All those attending Church are required to wear a face mask throughout the service unless exempt.
- Books, Orders of Service, etc. will not be handed out in the porch. Words of the Service will either be on Service Sheets or Prayer Books which will be available in the pews, or will be projected onto the screen. At the end of the service all books and sheets used are to remain in the pew.
- The collection plate will not be passed around but will be available near the door for your offerings/envelopes.
- At the end of the service please remain in your pew until directed to leave by the Churchwardens. People will be asked to leave one pew at a time commencing from the rear of the church.
- A list of those attending will be kept, this is solely for the purpose of Contact Tracing in the event of a case of COVID-19 and these records will be destroyed after 21 days.